Economic and Policy Analyst (02/2023): European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy:
I focus on evaluating the (economic) impact of cohesion policy and analyzing regional disparities in the European Union.
Socio-Economic Analyst (10/2021-01/2023): European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion:
I focus on the green and digital transitions with a particular focus on achieving fair transitions.
Evaluation Officer (09/2020-10/2021): European Commission, Joint Research Centre:
I focus on evaluating scientific input to policy making in order to contribute to decision making on priorities and resource allocation as well as to enhance accountability.
Consultant (02-06/2020, and 2012-2017): World Bank:
Focus on forced displacement, especially urban forced displacement (UFD), contributing to reports/papers introducing the topic, measuring the extend of the problem, and providing policy input.
Previously I co-authored or contributed to 6 peer-reviewed papers / published World Bank Working Papers / background papers, and to reports, e.g. the human capital section in post-2010 earthquake poverty report on Haiti. I also evaluated technical proposals of contracting survey firms for new projects, contributed to portfolio analyses, drafted (survey) reports and technical appendices, reviewed other reports, administered, monitored, and analyzed survey and census data, and conceptualized and reviewed questionnaires and code for CAPI. I focussed on the topics of returns to education, idle youth, financial inclusion, financial capability, and health financing.
Field Coordinator / Researcher (2017): United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF): I went on field mission during time of crisis in Burundi, to prepare a randomized controlled trial (RCT) endline surveys for rural areas, focussed on implementing the only energy project evaluation for UNICEF Burundi in 2017. I supervised a team of 27 local contractors, represented a team of 6 (senior) researchers on the ground, undertook project accounting, collaborated with UNICEF Burundi Innovation Lab and Child Protection Unit, taught survey methods, and developed the household questionnaire and village-based savings group questionnaires on sensitive topics. Following the fieldwork I co-author the endline report as well as related scientific projects. The work focussed on health, education, energy, participatory development, sustainable business models, and social entrepreneurship.
PhD, Economics (2020): European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES): My research focusses on educational attainment, local labor market dynamics, and returns to education after disasters, e.g. earthquakes, epidemics, and wars. I received a competitive 4 year scholarship by the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) at Human Sciences Research Fund (FRESH).
Co-Founder & President (2012-2020): Young European Leadership (YEL): Young European Leadership is an award-winning international nonprofit and a nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering young leaders and future decision makers. I oversee the organizational growth, partnerships, and develop programs such as the annual Young European Council which won the 3rd European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2016 and took place under several high level patronages such as the Council of the EU. Among other activities YEL is also in charge of recruiting and training the European Union delegations to the official young G20/G7 outreach programs.
2020: Graduate Econometrics II, European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics, Brussels, Belgium: Lecturing parts of class, level: research master and PhD students
2019: Graduate Econometrics II, European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics, Brussels, Belgium: Teaching Assistant, level: research master and PhD students
2015/2016, 2018/2019: Seminar on Econometrics, European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics, Brussels, Belgium: Teaching Assistant, level: master students
2009/2010: Quantitative Statistics, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany: Teaching Assistant, level: bachelor students